

Shekvetili is located on the Black Sea coast, at the confluence of the Natanebi River, at 2 m above sea level. 21 km from Ozurgeti. 3 km from Kvemo Natanebi (the nearest railway station), Shekvetili is bounded on the east by the Georgian Highway S2, on the south by the Choloki River, and on the north by the Sefa River. Winters are mild and snowless, summers are warm and humid. The average temperature in August is 22.6 ° C, the annual rainfall is 2096 mm, the average humidity is 78%, the duration of sunshine is 20 000 hours per year.

Shekvetili is one of the seaside resorts of Guria. In 1949, a decision was made to arrange a resort in the Guria Sea from Kobuleti to Poti, and a 50 km long Bichvinta pine grove was planted. There are several hotels, amusement park "Tsitsinatela", concert hall "Black Sea Arena", "Musicians' Park" and "Miniature Park".

  • Natural healing factors are coastal humid subtropical climate, sea water, magnetic sand. Types of treatments are air, sun and sand baths. Medicinal properties: cardiovascular, functional diseases of the nervous system, secondary anemia, rickets, diseases of the peripheral nervous system and joints.

  • According to experts, the natural healing factors of Ureki - subtropical climate, sea, sun and magnetic sand, can be used to treat various diseases, both for adults and children:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension stage I - II, chronic ischemic heart disease, postinfarction cardiosclerosis, myocardial dystrophy, obstructive diseases of the lower extremities).

  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (rheumatic and infectious polyarthritis in the chronic stage, malformed osteoarthritis, osteochondropathies, etc.).

  • Diseases of the nervous system (depression, hypertensive form of neurosis, menopausal neurosis, neuralgia, residual care for cerebral stroke).

  • Diseases of the pediatric contingent (spinal soft paralysis, paralytic paralysis, residual effects of polio, Perthes disease, rickets).

  • Chronic urogenital diseases causing infertility in women and men.

The use of therapeutic factors has particularly positive results in the treatment of pediatric diseases. Black Sea magnetic sands have been known since the 19th century.

The magnetic sand was formed by the washing of the effluent eosinous formations of the Adjara-Trialeti layer system in the sea by the Supsa and Natane rivers.

The natural resources of the resort are: warm sea, miraculous magnetite sand beaches, sun, mild subtropical climate, rich subtropical nature creates extremely favorable conditions for relaxation and treatment.

  • In diseases of the musculoskeletal system (but in the absence of the process of activity), damage to the peripheral nerves and arterial blood vessels of the extremities and other pathological conditions, sand baths are recommended - the use of heated sand for treatment. There are natural and artificial heating sand baths. Naturally heated sand baths are used mainly in Evpatoria. Resorts with healing sands operate in Germany, China, France, Italy, Japan and other countries.
  • For sand baths the sand should be clean, well drained. The optimal size of individual grains of sand is in the range of 0.25-2 mm (Ureki sand has a size of 0.17 0.5 mm for individual grains of sand). The large size of the grains of sand will damage the skin, and the smallest - will contribute to the formation of dust. The small thermal permeability of the sand allows patients, despite the high temperature of the sand, to move the sand baths relatively easily. The hydroscopicity and dryness of the sand facilitates the absorption of sweat, excreted by the patient during the procedure.
  • The method of natural sand baths for natural heating is as follows: One of the areas of the beach is fenced to protect it from the wind and to heat the sand better. They throw sand. At 6-7 am this square is divided into three precincts in the shape of medallions. A height of about 30 cm is done around each precinct. By 11-12 p.m., when the sand heats up to 500, the naked patient burns on the precinct-medallion. Hot sand is thrown from the ascents to the patient, leaving the head and chest free from the heart. The head should definitely be raised higher, erecting a shading shield to protect it from the sun. You can soak yourself in cold water. The duration of common sand baths is 10 to 30-40 minutes for adults and 5 to 15 minutes for children. At the end of the procedure, the patient is freed from the sand, covered with a blanket, rested in a sitting position for 15-20 minutes, after which it is poured into water heated by the sun and dried. After that it is recommended to rest in the building for 1.5-2 hours. The course of treatment is 10-15 baths.