Land for sale in Dusheti district, in the village of Karsimantkari. 35 km from Tbilisi. 4 km to Bazaleti Lake. 1.7 km from the main road. Total area: 42 000 m2 (.4.2 ha). Plot width: 103 meters. Gas and electricity. The energy is in 200 meters. Requires making a well or borehole. The land is for agricultural purposes. Straight relief. A dirt road leads to the plot from two sides. The plot is not fenced. The plot can be used for a farm, greenhouse, arable land, etc. Currently Rented Price: 300 000 USD. Dollar equivalent in GEL. Tel: (032) 21 21 777; 592 727281; 592 727288;
For Sale Land Dusheti Mtskheta Mtianeti
Real estate status: Farming - Agricultural lands
Area:42000 m²
Natural gas
Gravel road - 500 მეტრი
Green space
Forest massif