31 Jul 2021 2323

"Economic and Environmental Benefits for Sustainable Land Management in Vulnerable Communities in Georgia"

Deputy Minister of Environment Protection and Agriculture Otar Shamugia, st. In Gori, he got acquainted with the progress of the project "Economic and Environmental Benefits for Vulnerable Communities in Georgia through Sustainable Land Management". The pilot municipalities of the project are: Gori, Kareli, Kvareli and Sagarejo.

  • "The aim of the pilot project is to introduce sustainable land management and strengthen capacity; Also, implementation of measures against soil degradation and sharing of knowledge in this area, which, in turn, should ensure the protection of Georgia's natural and economic capital. About 100 farmers took part in the project. Farmers, funded by the Global Environment Facility and supported by the Caucasus Regional Development Center, were provided with free seeds and seedlings to plant windbreaks. "We will make sure that such practices are introduced in other regions as well and more farmers become interested in similar events," Otar Shamugia said.

  • Within the framework of the current project, in Gori Municipality, in December 2020, 2935 meters of windbreak was planted, 6 farmers were provided with seedlings and fencing material free of charge. In October 2020, 75 ha of agricultural land in Gori was sown as uncultivated land, the cost of sowing was fully covered by the project.

  • The implementation of the pilot project started on March 18, 2018 and will end on March 18, 2023. The project is initiated by the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture of Georgia; The project is funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF); The implementing agency is the United Nations Environment Program (UN Environment) and the executive agency is the Caucasus Regional Environmental Center (REC Caucasus).